Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Tradition

So last week the boys decided that they wanted to make a Gingerbread house. I tried to talk them into waiting but they had it in their minds to make it now. Surprisingly I had all the ingredients to make the gingerbread so I attempted. It turned out okay and we just used what we had at home, so the candy you see may not be what you would normally see on a gingerbread house but the boys had such a great time and it was fun. Each year I hope it gets better

From 2008-12-14 December 08

From 2008-12-14 December 08

From 2008-12-14 December 08

Daddy trying to make Andrew part of the house.


Becca Brown said...

What a fun tradition. We have never made one, but our neighbors gave us a kit so we will try it out soon.

Diana said...

You actually made the gingerbread?!?! I'm impressed. Looks like a lot of fun.

johnandcourtney said...

Julie, that is SERIOUSLY impressive. Ours was from a kit. Yours looks great. Excellent job.

Erin Boyle said...

So impressive! They look really cute!