Friday, March 20, 2009

This week...

This week have spent most of our time OUTSIDE! The weather has been beautiful and the boys have loved riding their bikes outside. I have had to force Andrew to go outside but we are enjoying the weather. We had 3 Flash basketball games this week and the boys as always have a good time there.  The best part of the whole week was today when Eric sent me a text saying.... he got a new SHIFT. He is going to start a Monday to Friday shift on April 1st. No more Saturdays and no more getting home so late! I am so excited! We have waited so long for this. The best was telling Andrew that his prayers were being answered and Daddy was going to get a better shift. Andrew jumped up in the air and was like "YES! YES!YES" He loves his dad. So we are definitely looking forward to having Eric around more. Prayers are answered and we are so thankful for that knowledge.


Erin Boyle said...

I am so thrilled for you and your family! You guys so deserve this.

Sarah said...

YAY!!!!!! That's so exciting. Congrats. And we've been LOVING the weather too:)

Valarie said...

That's so cool - I'm happy for you guys!

Kip and Lindsay said...

Hi Julie! Having a daddy around to help with the kiddos makes a world of difference. :0) I'm so glad he now has a "normal" shift! Glad you found our blog too!

Brit H. said...

I was SO excited to hear about the new shift! Yay for you guys!!! And Boo that the weather has changed back to cold...