So I dropped Josh off at the bus stop yesterday and gave him a kiss and a hug as he left thinking I would see him in a few hours. I am home not 30 minutes and I get a call from his aide and a friend of mine Diane. She tells me that Joshy says he fell on the steps on the bus and their is blood all over his shirt. WHAT???? Why didn't the bus driver say anything to any of us? I asked her how bad and she says,"well it won't close up. Why don't you come down and bring him a new shirt and take a look at it." Now me and the sight of blood don't go to well together especially if it is one of my kids. I get to the school and sweet Joshy comes walking up to me and he looks so sad. You can tell he is in pain but he is not crying and he is being so brave. I make myself look at it and think "OW" After some discussion, I decide to take him to the doctor and have him take a look at it and see if he will need stitches. This whole time Joshy is just sitting quietly not really moving or doing anything.
We get to the Doctors office and they take him back and the nurse looks at it and says "Yep he needs stitches, do you want to see it mom?" I shake my head and say, "better if I don't". So they numb him up with numbing gel and then we sit in the room for about 20 minutes waiting for it to get numb. The doctor comes back in and gets everything ready and Joshy is just laying there. From an earlier discussion with the doctor he wants "turtle whiskers". The doctor originally asked him if he wanted wolverine whiskers(that is what Josh was for Halloween). Joshy lays there completely still the entire time he is getting stitches. Not a peep out of the boy. No tears or screaming or squirming. I was quite impressed. Alex saw what they were doing and he said he did not like that. I am with him on that . I can't believe how brave my Joshy was! I am so proud of him.
When he was done he wanted to go back to school. But he stayed home for the rest of the day. needless to say he was the talk of the preschool today when he went back. he got to show off his stitches and he very proudly told me that he got to be the star helper today and share with everyone and show everyone his stitches.
Yeek, that looks like it hurts.
Ow, poor little guy, sounds like he was brave though!
What a good little boy!
My little guy had the same thing happen to him on his chin. I hope he gets to feeling good soon.
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