Friday, July 18, 2008

Today was a primary activity day for the kids. It was all about pioneers. The kids were each given a pioneer name and put in a company for traveling. then they participated in different activities and it was a lot of fun. Alex even joined in since I was helping out.

Alex roping the cow

Josh building a log cabin. well trying to decide between building it and eating it. eating it won out!

Alex of course no question, eating it is what it was all about. he is the snackshack

Josh roping the cow

Knock down those bottles Andrew

Love this pic. May be one of the rare moments that you can see the love between the two

Pull boys Pull!

Look at that height! Future basketball star maybe??

Andrew was able to go to a basketball clinic yesterday at the Utah Flash Factory put on by the IR Iran olympic basketball team. It was a fun day for him and the players were so nice to all the kids helping them make baskets and teaching them skills. My battery died on my camera so I don't have any other pics. He is famous now though because he did get his photo taken and he is on He is so excited about that. He was with his cousins and it was a fun day.

So Andrew got an idea to sell something for money.He wanted to make ladybug cookies (chocolate chip with m&m's were good enough). He set up a stand and went to work. He did pretty well and lasted about 10 minutes then the neighbors came out and he wanted to play with them so I looked like I was the one selling the cookies for awhile. It was fun and he enjoyed it.


Our Loved-up Family said...

What a fun primary activity! Thanks for posting comments our blog, it's nice to know people care about what's happening:)

johnandcourtney said...

What a fun primary activity! I saw Andrew's picture on, so cool! Tell him I think he is a celebrity.

Nikki said...

Your primary does fun Activities.

Brianne said...

It is so fun to see photos of your kids. I can't believe how big they have gotten! Just the other day Brennan and Bella asked if we could go have a burger king playdate with Andrew, like we used to. It was fun and we miss having you guys here!