Sunday, May 9, 2010

Andrew turns 10

From 2010-05-09 may10

I can't believe I have a 10 year old. Where has the time gone? It seems like just the other day that we brought you home and were marveling at your tiny toes and little fingers. We are so proud of the young man you are becoming. I love your imagination and your choice of words. You love to read the comics and share the funny ones with us. You love to watch sports with dad and know all the stats for your favorite teams. This makes your dad so proud. I loved listening to you share all about your birthday and how it is like the Fourth of July in Mexico with the people at Petsmart the other day when we were there to pick out your gerbil. You were so grown up and I was such the proud mom as I watched you interact with the sales lady. You were shaking with excitement as we brought Rass home and could not sleep for the next few days as you interacted with him and watched him.
Your brothers look up to you and want to be like you. You have a big responsibilty as the big brother but I know that you are up for the challenge. You have a special spirit. You are kind and loving. You are so smart and you know the scriptures. I hope that you always keep building your testimony and sweet spirit. We are so proud of you. You are our sweet, lovable, kind, son and we thank Heavenly Father that we were blessed to have you in our lives and to call you our son.
Happy Birthday Andrew!!
From 2010-05-09 may10

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