Monday, February 9, 2009

100th Day of School

Joshy had his 100th day of school for preschool and he had to put 100 items on the number 100. I had him count out 10 groups of 10 (teacher moment). Then he was gluing and putting the M&M's on. Andrew wanted to help and so I let him take over, he was very kind and helpful. I love it when they all get along
From 2009-02-09 January 09

From 2009-02-09 January 09

He was so proud of himself!

1 comment:

Tiffany Walker said...

I bet it is great when you can use your "teacher moments". What a great idea. I would have never thought of dividing it into 10 groups of 10. He is lucky to have you for a mommy!