Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Well, I started this blog on Feb. 24th but it has taken me until April 2nd to actually figure out how to get pictures on here. Big thanks to my brother in law Mark for helping me figure it all out. We love being up in Utah and have enjoyed being close to lots of family.
We just spent the weekend with all of Eric's family and we had a house full. We set up the tent in the basement and all the cousins had a great time camping out. Eric's family came out for the blessing of Tyler (Mark and Cheri's) and Kaylee (Kristi and Clayton's) babies. They are both adorable and I for one love being close to these two babies. I try to get in as much baby time as I can.
Eric is working for Wells Fargo and is enjoying it. I am working from home and love it! Andrew is in 2nd grade and is doing awesome and making great friends. Josh goes to preschool twice a week and asks me everyday if today is preschool day. Alex is getting bigger everyday and keeps us on our toes. He is talking more and more and it is fun to hear him try to put sentences together. He is so sweet and loves it when the babies come over. He imitates whatever I say to them and loves to play with their toes.

Alex helping feed little Tyler

Andrew holding Kaylee before he goes to school. We get to babysit her once a week and the boys love it!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Do you know what to do with a girl?