Friday, November 12, 2010

YO Gabba Gabba!

From 2010-11-12 YoGabbaGabba10

We won tickets to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live! I have never won anything so this was quite exciting! The boys have not watched this show in years but were excited to go and see it. Alex kept saying, "we are going to watch this for real not on TV?" It was cute. Andrew on the other hand wanted nothing to do with this baby show. So Eric and Andrew went and saw a movie while I took the younger two to the show.
They put on quite the show. There was a lot of singing and dancing. Josh and Alex really got into and had a blast.Thanks Canlas' for the opportunity to go to this show> The boys still talk about it and Josh said he was going to write all about it in his journal at school.
From 2010-11-12 YoGabbaGabba10

From 2010-11-12 YoGabbaGabba10

Monday, November 8, 2010


Halloween was rainy this year but the boys still had fun. Alex was spiderman. I have loved that all 3 have been spiderman for at least 2 years. Of course Spiderman came out beginning of October and Alex and his little friend ran the neighborhood. It was very cute. The boys had their annual Halloween parade at school. It was fun to see all the kids dressed up.
Perry the playtpus.
From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

Joshy the pirate!!
From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

Alex at his school parade
From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

Alex and his buddy
From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

Every year for the last 3 I have been going to Witches night out with my sister, sister in laws and our moms. This year only one sister in law could come and a good friend. We had fun, good food, good friends what more can you ask for.
From 2010-11-08 halloween10

First Day of School

The first day of school has come and gone and yes I am behind but better late than never. Andrew is in 5th grade! 5th grade, I can't believe it! When did he get so old. He is definitely coming into his own and wanting more freedom than I am prepared to give and has definite ideas and opinions. I think we are in trouble when he is teenager. Overall, he is a great kid and still loves to come and cuddle with me. Just last night, he came and snuggled with me and I told him I hope he never gets to big for this. He is loving 5th grade and has a wonderful teacher who is helping to expand his mind and teach him many things.
From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

Joshy is now a big 1st grader and is so excited to be going to school all day long and of course told me the best part about it is that he gets to eat lunch at school. He is such a social boy and has many friends all around him constantly. He is loving school and has really begun to take off with his reading and writing. I am so proud of him and how hard he is working. He gets so excited when he can read a book without help. It is fun to see that excitement, I hope that he always keeps it. His teacher is really great and really helping him to learn and grow. He is such a sweet, loving boy who always tries his best.
From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

Our two oldest trying to be kind and let me get a quick picture but really they just wanted me to hurry up so they could get to the bus
From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

Alex also has started preschool at a big school this year. He of course would not let me take a picture of him on his first day so I do not have one. He is doing good once he finally gets there. The first two weeks were awesome. I would take him and drop him off without any problems and then one day he decided going was not going to be easy anymore. So every day since then we struggle to get to preschool but once there he has a blast. He is slowly getting better but it has been a long process. He is learning to write his name which he thinks is awesome. He wants to have homework like his brothers. It is fun to see.

Alex's Birthday Party

So I finally decided to have a friend birthday party. This is a first for me! Alex got to invite 5 friends and we had a Spiderman themed party. The kids had a great time and I was exhausted by the time it was done. Note to self, next time only plan 1 hour not 1.5!
We played Venom vs.Spidey! Attack with water balloons
From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

Pretend you are Spiderman and spin your webs!
From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

Of course a Burnside birthday is not complete without a pinata! I know it is not spiderman but hey, it was the best I could do and Alex was happy.
From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

These took some work Grammie, Daddy and I all took part in this project
From 2010-11-08 summer_halloween10

Alex had a fun time and keeps talking about what he is going to do for his party next year. Not sure I am going to be ready for that. This may be an every other year thing.